


Bioconstruction workshops

Bioconstruction workshops focus on teaching participants sustainable and eco-friendly building practices using natural, locally sourced materials. These workshops are a great way for people to learn hands-on skills that minimize the environmental impact of construction, promote resource efficiency, and promote the use of materials that are both renewable and non-toxic.


Natural Materials

Natural materials are substances that occur in nature and have not been, or to a minimal part, artificially processed by humans, such as biological structures or minerals. They are often comprised of various organic and inorganic components that interact with each other to form complex structures.


Workshop participant holding Spanish Moss in preparation for making Bousillage


“...when you build a thing you cannot merely build that thing in isolation, but must also repair the world around it, and within it, so that the larger world at that one place becomes more coherent, and more whole; and the thing which you make takes its place in the web of nature, as you make it.”

― Sara Ishikawa, A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction


Calm your body and mind. Congue dolor vene natis et tinci dunt dolores.


Add information about your company here. Sed fringilla rutrum molestie. Curabitur tincidunt, purus eget porta ultricies, libero enim consectetur arcu, aliquam bibendum ligula purus sit amet turpis. Aliquam tincidunt, dui sed pulvinar ornare, massa risus elementum massa, eu congue erat risus sit amet lacus. Quisque eget est vitae lectus tincidunt lacinia. Ut egestas fringilla nisi, at finibus velit sollicitudin in. Aenean eleifend ex in metus mollis maximus. Duis ac diam lacus. Nulla ac suscipit nunc.

Vivamus luctus dui sit amet nibh rutrum, ut laoreet dui blandit. Vivamus et accumsan ipsum. Donec accumsan elit tempor, lacinia nulla vitae, viverra tortor. Cras non dignissim purus, eu efficitur enim. Suspendisse vestibulum mollis est, quis dictum diam consectetur vel. Integer dapibus justo at odio viverra tristique.

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